

26 genisflyingkites on tumblr

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All I want from mob psycho 100 season 3 is for reigen and mob to hug

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Mob grew up without guidance, so he went down a dark path. So, Mob wants to seek redemption and wants to help people with his psychic powers. Along the way he starts helping Reigen, a loud mouth brat who always gets into trouble because of it.

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I just took a DNA test, turns out I’m 100% that created human

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Are you telling me the next arc It’s gonna be Mitsuki and Boruto

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You know what I trust Kishimoto. Now he has freedom to the fuck he wants he did Naruto so I’m happy he’s doing great things with his powers

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Hi I’m Genesis and I love to work in a graphic novel! Here’s my stuff and my website

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