

フォロー数:386 フォロワー数:476

Meili appreciation post cause not enough people talk about her despite being an absolute goat

25 238

Fax I mean just look at them

0 2

My first time drawing and I had to make it this...........I’m sorry for everyone who sees this😭
Also yes this is indeed Reinhard🗿

11 76

From this to that
Fucking incredible

0 4

You know I’m right

0 5

Finally starting EX 1 thanks to being bullie- I mean convinced by Joel and sometimes Rey. Looking forward to Fourier the most but I have high expectations for Ferris and Crusch. Hoping this makes me like Crusch a lot more than what I currently do

1 35

Me meeting the person who’s been ruining my life

54 313

Them eyes too beautiful they makin me feel some type of way

0 5

