Suicidal Arts 🟦🐸さんのプロフィール画像

Suicidal Arts 🟦🐸さんのイラストまとめ

#AlwaysFeelBlue! Welcome to Suicidal Arts! Creators of the #SuicidalApes $NFT Collection and the #SuicidalBlues $NFT Collection…

フォロー数:558 フォロワー数:781

We're an actively growing Community for a collection that aims to spread depression awareness after the Artist and Founder nearly took his life from his own struggles. Each of the 60 Apes are a story!

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Every night of my struggles with Depression would result in painful experiences of Sleep Paralysis. Nights of my body silent and frozen as the worst demons created by my mind haunt me till I croak.

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Making an NFT Project, there were times where I felt lost, due to no sales, and I considered giving up. But when I see more people coming in to view my art and showing love, I realized giving up is not an option!

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I like many people in the NFT Space have people in my past who I looked to for wisdom. And while they left my world, I live by their advice and I still remind myself to always keep going. "Age" represents them.

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For the longest time, I was silent about my depression and facing it alone made it worse than it could ever be. And today there are millions who are silent about their struggles and are suffering quietly.

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One of the things that helped my struggle with depression was actually Medicinal Marijuana. The mellow, relaxed feeling I would get from it would take away the dark thoughts and give me a temporary moment of peace.

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Life will always go on, and like many, I have had the Past haunt me and continue to do so. But it's important to keep on going and to put the past behind me. Because dwelling on it further will only make it worse.

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As I found my new purpose in life. My dreams and ambitions were now over the horizon and the new life I wish to live is a Sunrise of vibrant colors and emotion. And thus, my journey as an NFT artist began.

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Sadness, Sorrow, an emotion that early on, would be my best friend, but as the years went by, that friend would slowly drift away from my life, and I would forget what they felt like and what they meant.

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