

(she/they) trans lesbian woman; webcomic artist; writer of essays, articles, prose, and poetry; gamedev; Moomin's Tale speedrunner.
local views = my own

フォロー数:1461 フォロワー数:265

Hunter is going to see the statue

Is there a gravestone for Caleb?

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I'm currently running a DnD campaign set at the magical Bancroft University home to everyone's favorite mascot: KABLOOEY!

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Feucoco looks a bit like an apple so my pure speculation is: what if they lose their legs in their final form and become a fire / grass or fire / dark snake based on the garden of eden serpent that is punished by losing its legs?

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Sometimes I like to check what pokemon corresponds to the number of followers. Right now I'm at 292 Shedinja

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"Time to get some work done," she said as she opened the picrew.

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No, everyone stop and look at these dope picrews! I had to make more than one cause I liked it so much.

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I originally wanted to follow along in Pico 8 but it wasn't working out. However, I just finished making a small painting application in Pico-8 so I could do the version of the painting I had originally intended. I'll share the Pico cart soon!

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