

catch me on Other App

フォロー数:213 フォロワー数:1740

honestly this erinys redesign is borderline echoes/hidari tier and really makes me hopeful that we're maybe leading up to fe4 remake

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sometimes i think about this image from meet the heroes

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A Night Worth Celebrating

As Askr celebrates a very special occasion, Thrasir offers Líf a distraction from more troubled thoughts.


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i'll express my excitement through this VERY happy caeda

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tana: wow, eirika! this ljósálfheimr attire is so delicate and charming! it really captures the innocence of the ljósálfar!
eirika, stumbling out of camilla's room at 5am: q-quite

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the japanese-exclusive FEH manga strips are certainly interesting

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let's not forget in all the hullabaloo of CYL5 that today is the birthday of the best character in fates

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Daughters of the Divine
Ch. 3: As Winter Turns to Spring

While visiting a hot spring, Rhea resolves to show Tiki her appreciation.


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