

Creator and sequential artist of KAMEN AMERICA 🇺🇸 and BLACK HOPS🐰. 「仮面アメリカ」を描いたり、パロディや風刺のイラストを描いた Profile avatar by @sudapiko

フォロー数:10835 フォロワー数:20785

Vermillion's dual nature is shown not only in the difference in the eye color, but also with the short hair & glasses on the side opposite the viewer! is a master at such subtleties!

八房は微妙なビジュアルキューでバーミリオンの二面性を表現! 反対側は目もメガネも髪も違う! https://t.co/Lab5HF25kT

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If you can read Japanese, the Comiket KAMEN AMERICA FAN MAGAZINE is now available for order!

日本語が読めるなら、コミケKAMEN AMERICA FAN MAGAZINEの注文受付中です!

https://t.co/R9ykXpHmEi https://t.co/fgORR5OXYn

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