

Creator and sequential artist of KAMEN AMERICA 🇺🇸 and BLACK HOPS🐰. 「仮面アメリカ」を描いたり、パロディや風刺のイラストを描いた Profile avatar by @sudapiko

フォロー数:10836 フォロワー数:20711

Carly clearly believes that fashion (a metaphor for success/opportunity) is accessible to everyone, regardless of their position in life. It is not solely for the elite or wealthy, hence her emphasis on charity. She’s also the only member of the team to not have come from wealth.

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私はこれが好きです! Proレスラーカーリー!

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マークはスライマーがかわいいとは思わない。 彼はかわいいと思いますか?🥺

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Good morning! Carly slept in today but Badger told her to wake up!

おはようございます! シャーロットは今朝遅くに目が覚めました、しかし彼女のペットのカピバラ、アナグマは彼女を目覚めさせました!

Art by


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We are receiving BLACK HOPS X KAMEN AMERICA X SOULFINDER earlier than anticipated: final proofs were approved by us today! You won’t be waiting long for this one, so make sure you pre-order TODAY: only 15 days left!


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マーモットメイデンも見ています! ぎょうそうねさんがとってもキュートに描いてくれます!

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