

Howdy! Just a person who likes to draw things. Thanks for stopping by.

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This is my character Chuck. Feel free to sketch away and get rid of that art block. 🙂

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I've only done this so far, but I want to do so much more from Capcom.

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Hello! Joining in on this new thing going around. I am the very smol. Hope you enjoy!

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Hello! I'm Jack and I like the way that I render hair.

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To date these are probably the best lips I've ever drawn.

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Canons are nice. Throwback to another 2018 one.

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Haven't had the chance to hit the shops for FF7R yet, but still wanted to do some art for it. I mixed the OG with the new to get something in-between and fun. Enjoy!

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Been working on and off on this since RE3R released and figured what better time to finish than the teaser for RE8 Village. Enjoy!

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"I can still move. I won't let it end until I've used everything. Because I'm the Challenger"
Giving some love to today!

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