

Maker of some Warriors analysis videos, writer of Paws of Stars, and generally someone way too invested in these cat books.
(She/her, Adult)

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:2232

Heard that a certain slimy man is the I happened to be redrawing him anyway so I figured I would throw him into the fray.

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Definitely a lot of improvement, and more substantial customization. At this point my biggest gripes are 1. no options to change expresion (something that the minis they are based on also do not have) and that making cats with splash marks instead of tabby stripes isn't possible.

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Happy Squilfpaw (reposting quickly because Twitter didn't like the transparent background)

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By sheer coincidence I needed to draw Rosetail today anyway so here you go, . Definitely loved this forgotten girl in Into the Wild, showing off the power of an elder. ~But she does sometimes get on my nerves in Bluestar's Prophecy.~

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Update, did manage to get a loaded version so if anyone else can't get to it, here it is.

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And while I didn't get it here on the day, it was also another friend's birthday recently so happy late birthday to as well!

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It's someone's birthday! (And that someone is a Moon kitteh)

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So happy that Brackenboy is Warrior of the Week, so I mashed this together. Everyone should take some time to appreciate this great tom, ~since Graystripe never could~.

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