

Posting wip and doodles often.
🎨@sunsetagainart 👈 view my finished art only.
Status: Baldur's Gate 3: Astarion+Karlach. Love and Deepspace: Sylus.

フォロー数:227 フォロワー数:28491


8 68

亲自研究了一下色彩的明度 太奇妙了

1 19

区块5 (2)

7 45

⚠️⚠️⚠️Content warning: main character death
Byzantine Generals season 2 Eclipse of the Sybil
block 5 part 2

33 154

btw sharing some succulent sketches i did with procreate years ago. used them to make a ralph fanart once🪴

40 268

继续尝试偷工减料【顺便说这偷懒的画法是因为最近工作上画的图没必要太精细才用起来的 效果竟然还可以 在漫画里也用用看】

37 202

Arknights xover: Hellagur!Hank
Never played this game but i had a crush on Hellagur at first sight yesterday, and thought about a Hank like this UwU

70 295