

Cycling around the world in a superhero costume 🚵🏻 Raising £1 million for Parkinson's charities💰Inspiring children with school visits #WeCanAllBeHeroes

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Tegan Phillips is cycling Africa for 6months.Her cartoon blog posts are hilariously brilliant!

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Thanks for all the RTs & support Vanessa! Have a SUPER Christmas! (I just HAD to say that didn't I?)

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Who would make a BRILLIANT sponsor for my Cycling related prize for most genius/amusing ideas

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Nice illustration of a cycling superhero! Can I hire them to do some work for me? :-)

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Turns out Prince Charles is a bit of an artist. Saw loads of his paintings hanging up in a gallery today. Who knew?

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Looking for help finding suitable (free) backing track for YouTube film am making. Thanks for any help you can offer!

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Pre-ride chicken biryani+handful of chocolate coated coffee beans = on the bike

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If you need your loo fixing, maybe I could have a go at that while I'm there?

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New hero=Jonnie Rocket.A boy with a bike that turns into a rocket!Check out website+books+vids

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Look what I just made for you on the website! Some awesome superhero stuff on here!

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