

He/Him | Twitch Affiliate | Feminist | Trying to learn Japanese while playing a bunch of cool games.

フォロー数:646 フォロワー数:681

Was playing Final Fantasy IV PR and was excited to see a monster I recognized from my recent playthrough of FFXV. But my goodness she wrecked me. She counters if you hit her, with Earthquake, for like 30% of my health. And I queued three auto-attacks before I realized this.

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I think Jack has a "need" to defeat Chaos because he has been "branded/given a focus" by the Crystal of Light, similar to what the primals do in FFXIV or the Fal'Cie in FFXIII.

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Not sure if this counts cus it's a mix between a simulation game and an action rpg but definitely this girl right here.

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This is easily my favorite chapter in Bravely Default 2, it was much darker than I thought the game would go.

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I need more anime that have a protagonist like this.

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The perfect Pokemon Professor tier list, this can't be improved any further.

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I enjoyed Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but it has so many pacing issues. Now these RPGs on the other hand...

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