

I make Zelda YouTube videos and dress as fictional characters! Defender of Phantom Hourglass! {she/her} 26✨autistic✨ 🏳️‍🌈…

フォロー数:714 フォロワー数:2462

And i've said it before and i'm saying it again the Moblin design in BOTW was such a strange choice imo.
It's such a big change from the Moblins in other games before it. Its skinny and tall when they are really bulky and only a little taller than link in most other games.

0 15

Bring back big blue pig wizard Ganon you cowards!

9 21

She's so hot in Hyrule Warriors help 😳

3 18

Bring back Zora enemies please nintendo, i miss the river zora

2 4

Wind Waker's Japanese box art is so pretty

0 6

i will never be truly happy till i can spend every day dressed like this 😣

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I cant wait to play this new FNAF game!

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Im actually very excited to play this game

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i want to make this sprite with hama beads so badly XD

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