

30-175-88💪🏼中文、日本語、English👌肌肉控/緊身控/重度超級英雄被虐控/畫師/教練/百分百的1M🐂-最高紀錄:7次🦸🏻‍♂️A painter obsessed with tights &Superheroes roleplay/humiliation/100% Submissive

フォロー数:1182 フォロワー数:9527

A hero I created in 2016 for Chinese dragon boat festival 🐉 🛶, he will reappear soon😏


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往事part1. 幾年前,年輕的超人還未像現在這般健壯,他追蹤一個犯人來到一家賓館。線索指向一個燈光昏暗的房間。超人毫不避諱地走了進去,雙手抱胸,一如平日裡的招牌姿勢,仔細地觀察著房間裡的動靜。

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Old story part 1: Several years before when young Superman not buffed as now, he tracked a villain to a hotel. Clues led him to a dark room. He posed as usual, observed the room with conscious.

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Yup, that’s what I am talking about😻

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New year and new start of Superman’s work💪🏼🦸🏻‍♂️

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Old work(2017)-Since Lex became the mayor, Superman was target by police and army. One day, an army full with kryptonite bullets found Superman and this is what happened.

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Part 21(完結).

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Part 21(Fin).
“I must be so tired lately..” Superman woke up in shock, he felt his crotch hard as hell. “What a horrible dream…yet why am I feel so…satisfied..” Confused Superman generally rubbed his hard rock bulge, recalling details from the dream.
“I don’ think so!”

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Part 9. 「不!快…拿開…啊啊!」蜷縮在狹小衣櫃裡的超人被氪石不斷折磨、削弱,同時漸漸令他的神智變得模糊。漸漸的,衣櫃裡的嘶吼變為呻吟,最後只剩下微弱的喘息。「好了,可以進行下一步計畫了。」惡棍肆意地玩弄著超人的胸肌和大包,陰險地說道。

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Part 9. “Take..away!…ughh!” The kryptonite chamber kept weaken Superman and affected his mind. With the loss of energy, the roar becomes moan, and finally disappeared. “Now for the next step of my plan.” The villain rubbed Superman’s pecs and bulge like playing a muscular toy.

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