

30-175-88💪🏼中文、日本語、English👌肌肉控/緊身控/重度超級英雄被虐控/畫師/教練/百分百的1M🐂-最高紀錄:7次🦸🏻‍♂️A painter obsessed with tights &Superheroes roleplay/humiliation/100% Submissive

フォロー数:1189 フォロワー数:9536

Fire🔥dragon ranger - Mike, the hot basketball captain🤤红火の神竜戦士—热血のバスケキャプテンmvp。

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My original ranger team!🔥💦⚡️🌿❄️🌪👊🏼☀️

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Latest Superman, original, Japanese superman. From my friend’s novel, and me as the character😝

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My Superman works earlier this year😈😶

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Also, some old old works of PM-XYZ of course. There was a project of them, but, well, o(〃'▽'〃)o not in my list since PMSM

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When will Pokemon give us two male hero instead a boy and a girl Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

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Of course, my Kukui is the best, but Professor Willow☺️, I love you too OvO

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Some unfinished PMSM works. Well, not gonna finish them anyway, so just have a look OvO

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Officially, I am going to update my works here. My friends recommend me to come here to meet some amazing artists. Glad to meet you guys :)

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