

Artist | Dc/Marvel | Comics | Film | Cap/Nightwing/Flash fan | Nolan Stan | Young justice Tv Stan | 21

フォロー数:497 フォロワー数:4242

I love when comic book projects have art posters. More of them should do this

1169 10421

The coldest take of all time, Percy Jackson is better than Harry Potter in every conceivable way possible

163 992

Everytime we get The Batman 2 news I’ll push the Robin agenda, we need this scene to happen

81 794

When Barry went to the speedforce at the end of season 3, I would’ve had him gone for a season and return at the end, making season 4 about Wally taking the mantle. Earth 1 hunter would’ve become a comic accurate zoom and him and the rogues would’ve both been the big bads

37 495

Adams said Dc wanted a different creative and tonal direction for the Flash book, his focus was on family. Imagine they have Wally the Spider-Man treatment after flash fans dogged on Spider-Man fans for so long 😭 (no I don’t want this, just a funny thought)

18 273

I still love this scene every time I see, it captures Captain America perfectly

58 470

Superman vs Luke Cage

1 39

If you think Ezra’s suit is better. Please stfu disrespectfully 💯

122 1103

We’re gonna get a Nightwing movie and a Titans movie

11 96

Winter soldier is what Jason Todd fans think Red Hood is

24 385