surachi two ☀️さんのプロフィール画像

surachi two ☀️さんのイラストまとめ

spam for doodles, non-art and ramblings
main: @surachibee

✨ Icon by @inkopolis !!

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:704

just wait til’ I tell my youth pastor

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new keyblade just dropped

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edited his mouth and nose over a little (with some color editing) 🧍‍♂️

I think it looks better..? Idk lmao

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color picked the eye color from each of the “god squad” as dubbed by Schaffrillas

surprised pittoo’s eyes are more of a pink color

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what kind of archetype is this

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the horsemen of the apocalypse

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I dunno about ya’ll but if we got something like this you can bet sweet money i’d buy it in a heartbeat

(Great editing, I know)

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more stuff that I can remember

it looked like chapter 18 with a lot more desaturated yellow

There’s was a chest that would play a cutscene of pit opening it like it’s from Zelda

I can’t remember anything else

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had a dream last night that there was a fourth, secret “boss” level in chapter 9 like the other three but there wasn’t any boss and it was just a level full of secrets and treasures and some point in the level Medusa called Palutena a bitch

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