Suumin Angさんのプロフィール画像

Suumin Angさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:911 フォロワー数:279

From then on Levi was happy, and he didn't need to roam, for he knew that he was LOVED...#dinosaur

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"Sing these songs! Record these albums! They are sure to bring you fame..."

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For many miles he wandered, from the mountains to the sea...#dinosaur Day 8

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His friends would say, "Oh Levi, DON'T! We've heard it all day long!" Day 4...

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From morning light till break of night he'd sing his dino song: Levi the

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Day 8: ...and found Baby Boo TRAPPED in an old meerkat burrow!

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