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very late art train 🚂
thanks for the tag, chibi, and sorry it's late! had to wait a bit before i could share 2 of them, and then got anxious. but here are my 2 most recent drawings & a couple of my absolute fav sketches, bc they're the best expression & hug i'll prob ever draw

4 7

Hurry up and get better, Miyuki...

Part 1 of my krmyexchnge2023 gift for teahex, with the prompts hurt/comfort, sickfic, and fantasy AU. I hope it's okay.

AO3 link:
Collection link:

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Art Train! Thank you, Weird 🥺🙏💕 Hope you're doing well!

and tagging , , , , , and absolutely anyone else who wants to do this too! If you make art & want to share some, then consider yourself tagged🙏💕

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A peaceful and quiet moment for boys who love each other, taking a small break from their studies

My gift for as part of the gift exchange 💙💛
AO3 link:

And hope you have a good day 🙏💕

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some domestic chrisawa fluff 💗

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Art train! Thank you so much for the tag, pup! 🥺💜 And I'm surprised but I do see some improvement when I look back! And hope to keep on drawing/improving 🙏

no pressure tags: & anyone else who wants to!

3 17

Sorry I'm late, but happy birthday !! I hope you had a wonderful day!

And thanks for the tag, Chris! Here are a few of my favs, 2 old and 2 recent. And I'm too anxious to tag anyone, but if any art friends see this and want to join in then consider yourself tagged 💜

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Found happiness & love between two silly boys
Some krmy art inspired by 's wonderful fic: never gonna give you up
I couldn't stop thinking about it one day & NEEDED to try to draw something. Thank you for writing/sharing it & so many other amazing works Clarkie!🙏

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I had art block for a while, but a couple people were talking about takasawa from Daiya no Ace a few weeks ago & it somehow woke my brain up and I HAD to try to draw something. Then I couldn't decide on WHAT to draw, so a quick doodle turned into 3 drawings 😅. A cuddle ❤️

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Oof, good luck. Hope your day gets better

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