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Good morning my dear Kika and all lovely ladies 😍
The university has started again.
It's fun to watch the new students looking for the lecture halls.
They run 🏃‍♀️ around like scared 😱 rabbits 🐇

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Good morning my dear Kika and all lovely ladies 😍
Are you all well?
I am glad that today is Wednesday.
Office work at home. Again. 😊
Enjoy your day

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Good morning my dear Jane and all lovely ladies 😍
A foggy cold Sunday here.
Enjoy your day off.
Or do you have chores to do?😉

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Früher habe ich mich immer geärgert, wenn die Leute von den guten alten Zeiten gesprochen haben.
Heute bin ich die Schlimmste von allen.😂
Die jungen Leute finde ich toll, jedoch der Rest der Gesellschaft kann mir gestohlen bleiben 😁

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Good morning dear Eve 🤩
Belgium is also fighting against floods 🙄
I hope you live in a safe place.
Enjoy your day.

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I'm still looking for green shoes 😅
Just green here.

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