

23 | he/him
Actor🎭 | Artist🎨
-Do what you gotta do for you-

フォロー数:115 フォロワー数:115

Gift for my friend of their sexy man, Ivor.

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cw//illustrated blood, and open wound

So yeah, fun fact: Basil was the doctor that worked on Samuel's eye when it was cut open. I thought the dynamic would be interesting.

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Sketch of my boys, being in love and dancing

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QRT showing your OC's first design vs now
Now with James because he got the better improvement hahah. I just don't like his first design at all. I'm so happy with the current one *smooches him*

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QRT showing your OC's first design vs. Now
Charles ❤ Not much has changed but enough has! I made him more muscly and gave him a face structure haha. Also- he like creme colors a lot more now. Haha.

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Now vs. Then

I got the idea of doing a side by side of present and past Samuel from a friend. The one on the right is him from his teen years.

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Just some sketch portraits I did of some of my characters. 1/2

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Max is not happy that he was sentenced to baby jail. isn't having any of it.

He's my OC that I made to be adopted by Alcina.

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