

just another doodling dipshit. I make art sometimes but not really.
best be on your way.…

フォロー数:148 フォロワー数:59

Trying to access extra pockets on my raincoat and remembered that its a womens coat and they are fake. If your gonna put extra style zippers on an item them make me look like a kingdom hearts character or bruno bucciararti or just dont put them at all.

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Theres something just very satisfying about spreading misinformation in contexts like these with such known insane subject matter.

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Probably this one. Theres probably a riley i like better but i can only scroll through media tab for so long. Legs are really nice here and its just fun i think.

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ive always wanted to make high fashion seto kaiba magazine covers.

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happy birthday! Heres a painting of your fancy fox girl. For whatever reason i decided to digitally paint this more than my usual method which is kindve insane for me . I think it looks ok for something ive very very little practice in, both method and subject.

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