

JRPG/Souls Content Creator & Shiba Inu owner. I’m good at boss fights and love video game OST’s | twitch.tv/SweisSenpai | 📧 [email protected]

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The combat of these 4 games are going to have so much to dig into!! I’M EATING THIS YEAR

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Every series I love is getting new releases, but no concrete news for a new Tales yet after the success of Arise. What would you like to see changed, enhanced, or added in the next Tales game?

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What game had your favorite combat system this year? Here are some of my favorites & I think 2022 was incredible I’m general for action combat

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I’ll be starting this weekend but I’ll give a definite time soon. I will also continue my normal Elden Ring & KH3 level 1 runs on the side. If you’re not following already 👉 https://t.co/c1AfwRwwzG

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TALES OF THE ABYSS ANNIVERSARY what a wild first stream game for me. Such lovable characters with a simple, yet really fun combat system. Fans can dissect the lore endlessly & the OST is so underrated. (Review still coming👀)

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Final Fantasy X and Star Ocean 6 gave me two new protagonists that go down as some of my all time favorites

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Final Fantasy X ✅ AND WHAT A JOURNEY! I really enjoyed one of my first FF’s and it brought me back to the cozy ps2 JRPG era. I loved the combat, characters, music, and story pretty equally. I’ll always remember Tidus and Yuna and I can’t wait to do post game bosses

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Persona 5 Royal is out for every platform now. Such an immersive game with deep combat, amazing visuals, great characters, and a story that moved me. I HOPE ANY NEW FANS ENJOY ONE OF MY FAVORITE GAMES OF ALL TIME

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Tales of Xillia 2 completed ✔️ I think this was a unique way to do a sequel and the relationship between Ludger & Julius was my highlight. Combat is smooth and weapon swapping is badass. It didn’t blow me away but it was better than the first game for me :)

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