

any pronouns I love all art in any form!!! except Jeff koons work, this account doubles as a Jeff koons hate ac. but I love all other art!!

フォロー数:461 フォロワー数:248

I think it would be cute if,,, gon picked up roller skating and they skate together 🥺

7 21

Hi I'm jubees! I got a cat recently so he made me smile MAD hard lol. I do digital art, and I like to draw fantasy anything! Also check out sorry for forgetting or retagging anyone!

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Heyyyy, lol this was one of my favorite moments from the you guys should definetly listen to the podcast if you haven't!💕

13 53

I'll start!! I'm jubees and I like to do fantasy and doodles! 💕🥰🥰

9 30

Hi I'm jubees!! I like to do digital art and I'm mostly drawn to fantasy elements, I don't do Fanart that often, but when I do its tlc or hxh :)
Check out sorry if I forgot, or retagged anyone!!💕💕

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Hi I'm Jubees! I'm thinking about opening commissions soon, but here's some of my art!

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Hi I'm jubees and I mostly do digital art! Thanks for the art share!

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Heyyyyy!!! I wanted to participate in dtiys challenge!!! Here's his oc Aeron! You guys should DEF check him out he's amazing!

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I'm jubees! I'm thinking about opening comms but Idk yet lol

1 3

Hiiiii!!!! Happy Friday to you as well, hope yours is going well!!! Umm you guys should check out sorry if there's any retags or I forgot anyone lol

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