

French Concept artist/Art director and founder of @UmeshuLovers, vis dev studio (formerly Guerrilla Games, Rocksteady, Ubi, Sony)

フォロー数:474 フォロワー数:161991

I always observe what builds my daily life.
I encourage you to find the "sublime point of view" in your everyday life.
Take pictures of the poetic moments, it's universal, easy to transmit and build your mental library.

307 1799

The amazing fantasy landscapes of Theo Prins :

381 1957

Backgrounds from Ernest & Celestine ( 2012, La Parti Productions / Les Armateurs / Melusine Productions)

279 1438

Edgar Alwin Payne' waterscapes (1883 –1947) :

501 2130

Concept art from Up (2009, Pixar)

730 3719

Compilation of 4 video process of speed painting I made on :

459 2391

Beautiful sketchy landscapes by Robin Lhebrard :

420 2402

Four inspiring color schemes from the paiting of Emile Albert Gruppe (1896-1978)

254 1243

Concept art from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse by Zac Retz (2018, Sony Animation)

1028 3964

Another process on , flat colors only, lasso tool and a round brush shape with full opacity. One hour of work : Process of my last test on : using only flat colors, lasso tool and a round brush shape with full opacity. One hour of work :

548 3074