

🔞😈SylvanSelene, everyones favorite chaotic dyrad.
💜 Taken by Zeraz, Aeon,Camino, and Aki💙

VTGroup: HollowedFables & MythicMayhem

Art tag: #SylvanSelene

フォロー数:692 フォロワー数:586

If i was a gym leader? I bet this will surprise some people that I'd be an Ice Type leader~

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Third...ok so i have a thing for kinky ghosts ok?!?!

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First...ok listen..its one of the first animes i got into. I cant say no to Kakashi

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Well my darling eldritch? Where do I sit in this?~

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Well my lovelies while we wait for the big stream coming up I have another announcement to make. It seems I am growing as a manager as I welcome yet another client! Thank you for giving me a chance as your manager, I look forward to working together

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Your choice between Selene and daddy slasher.'ll go with bondage for this one

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