

Amateur artist, professional self-proclaimed funniman. Profile pic by @uni_nanhee, banner by @The_Su_n.

Probably one day will be on BlueSky, too.

フォロー数:165 フォロワー数:278

And because i found her kind of cute - i drew psychotic dentist, striding on her merry way to do... i dunno, probably some dentistry.

5 15

So, Valentines, eh? That means couple stuff, don't it. I wonder if frying an egg using your girlfriend's floating head fireball really counts, though.
Characters belong to and

4 13

And on this fine day, i bring thee a cute slime witch, which is actually also a belated birthday gift for the one, and only, .

5 18





And while i might be having way too many exams nowadays, causing the mild hiatus i've been in nowadays, i did have time to draw this for a friend. So, yay?

6 18

And today, i bring thee a new OC, that i made together with . Meet Charlie. They're into the eldritch.

4 12

And today, i finally drew a monster girl. More precisely, the Beetle girl from Dead Cells, that everyone for some reason calls a spider.

6 21