

Enjoys games and anime. Friendly once you get to know me! Banner by @SersisoZ

フォロー数:1052 フォロワー数:415

Kinzo the Neotuffle
Kabano the Herajin
Sypris the Kaioshin
Cicle the Frost Jin

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// Cross and Lavi are my boys!

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Kinzo, the Neo Tuffle Mechanic. Though capable in his own right as a fighter, He prefers focusing down on building and repairing. He loses himself in his work and nothing is junk to him! If something is broken down to no repair, he’ll find some way to incorporate it. A hoarder.

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Cicle, The Frostjin assassin. Near-sighted and manga obsessed, the stealth corps models his life after the manga he loves. From ninjas who are bit too showy to his pickup lines, stolen straight from rom-coms. A natural at stealth with his ability to camouflage his body.

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Kabano, The Poisoned Herajin. Kabano is arrogant and believes he is destined for great things. He became something of a Robin Hood for his planet but one heist led to him being poisoned. The poison didn’t kill him and it has in fact granted him power at the cost of his mind.

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Always happy to show OCs!

My Majin Barada. Aloof and intimidating, he has gained quite the following of thugs and delinquents due to beating them down. He comes across as aggressive but he has a soft side that tends to strays and he will go out of his way to protect his gang.

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“What kind of drink?”

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Kinzo, Cicle, Kabano, and Barada!

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