

moving accounts.

go follow @VC_Rare

⋆PFP by @ToastyScones

フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:778

I may be a bit late on this, but thank you all so much for 800 followers! Also thank you to the ones who congratulated me before I made this post. Haha

2 25

I asked and people wanted to see it so.... Here is (HUMAN) Me getting married to my Emerald Hair beauty. 💚💚💚 Again.. thank you so much for granting me my request I made, it seriously is the best thing that has ever been made for me & I love it so much. Thank you.💚

23 174

I just sent this to a server with over 100 people in it. I've never done anything like this before, and I think the same goes with all the posts I made before this. Something really just snapped in my brain, you know? Something telling me it's finally time to say something.

14 57

LOVE U 2 ARSBIN AHH!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚

0 3

OKAY! So since I just hit a milestone, it's only fair if someone way more deserving hit's their own..... GO FOLLOW SHES AN AMAZING ARTIST AND A VERY SWEET PERSON! SHE ONLY NEEDS 18 MORE FOLLOWERS GO FOLLOW HER!!!!! 💚💚💚

14 27

I'm seriously getting similar vibes here LMAO

4 31

wolfie.exe has stopped working.

1 14