

I draw a lot of bigs, RT a lot too
minors go away
all chars I draw are 18+

フォロー数:4660 フォロワー数:1680

This is pretty ancient by now but I still kinda dig it.

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Her name is Niitsi. She really boobs!

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Jessica Rabbit

Very typical, I know. But I saw the movie wayyyy earlier than I should've and clearly the imprint came in from somewhere.

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Dorothy from Princess Principal

I haven't seen TOO much of the show but I'm pretty smitten with her with what little I've seen. She's so damn cool

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Hex Maniac, which is a surprise to nobody I'm sure, but the fact of the matter is that she's a super adaptable design, yet every single one is so damn cute.

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Rouge the Bat

She's a Character who never fails to make me so horny I want to eat drywall shsifhajsidh

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Wicke, for many the same reasons as Cattleya and Labiata, but I really love the potential dynamics she allows with the rest of the Alolan cast.

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I really like Sanae's attitude, demeanor, love of beer, and ehe, body.

Fun fact: we share our calendar birthday!

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