☘️celtic princess🧚🏻‍♀️さんのプロフィール画像

☘️celtic princess🧚🏻‍♀️さんのイラストまとめ

#Published #Poet ©️Tereza Gillespie @GillespieTereza “Introspective”📚by Wallis & Wild amazon.co.uk/dp/B08JLQLQ2Y/…… via @AmazonUK 🎨@Arts_42 ✖️DM✖️Porn

フォロー数:18806 フォロワー数:41163

Thank you for that lovely photo, Ariana.
It’s such a shame that those precious moments have to end.
I daydream a lot; nature inspires, as do the heavens.
Indulge in those little escapes, my friend✨💕🧚🏻‍♀️
(Gif via PicMix)

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Thank you for the hugs & the sweet gif, Rachael.🙏🏼
Thanks for your compliments on my writing too.✍🏻This means the world to me, especially from you.💖
I write from my heart & Soul, which leaves me vulnerable but it’s cathartic.
Big 🤗hugs 2 U💞
(Gif via Tenor)

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Thank you my❤️beautiful friends 💐for your concern, your kind wishes &🙏🏼prayers.
I lost power, internet & WiFi; all is restored now.👍🏻
Thankfully the little damage done overnight has now been cleared up & repaired.
Love❤️hugs 🤗& gratitude🙏🏼
(Gif via PicMix)

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Oh no!
I’m so sorry 😒to learn this.
I hope you do find a replacement for your beautiful 💜lilac rose.🌹
You are very welcome, regarding the gif.
Thank you too, 🙏🏼💐dear Tânia.❤️
I wish you a beautiful & blessed new week.🕊🌹🕊
(Gif via Tenor)

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Yes, my friend, a year has passed & the new year brings new hope.🙏🏼🕊🦋💝
Arigato, 💐 Sakura.
I love the beautiful pictures.
(Gif via Giphy)

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Oh Wow!
They are stunning.
I love the ✈️🎨 🐯tiger.
Thank you, Russell.
Goodnight to you, my good friend.🤗
I wish you a wonderful Wednesday ahead.
(Gif via Tenor)

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