

フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:843

Patober day 4 :>
lucid with colorful leaves!
today's prompt is: autumn

10 42

it's october!
he feels... fluffier? then usual...

1 21

now that spooky month is here...
time for spooky adventures!
feat. perry and lucid

8 60

PAtober started,and i decided to join it~
prompt pumpkin

1 31

random idea:
Akira lets Lucid to chill with him~

2 35

have Kiba doodles that i drew recently~

9 52

Happy Birthday to mee~
Thank you so much for everyone who wished me happy birthday and gave birthday gifts! ;w;
*please do not reupload my artworks,thank you!*

10 62

so everyone was uploading their designs of nano so i decide to join the nano chain bc why not :>

2 50