

Telling Morrowind's story with updated graphics, mechanics, spoken dialogue and much more! #Skywind

フォロー数:42 フォロワー数:39939

Talk to the hand, because the face will bash you into Oblivion: Daedric tower shield, by (concept, left) and Jon Foster (3D, right).

34 390

Watch the sky... Winged Twilight model, by Arthur Kisell and c25.

These harpy-like daedra are said to serve as messengers to Azura, but that doesn't mean they'll hesitate to rip the face off an unwary traveler - even one with Azura's blessing.

34 456

Designed by nature: Ashkhan tower shield, designed by FDT2 and modeled by c25.

29 329

With Halloween around the corner, we've been putting together a unique costume! Check out the Lord's Mail, designed by Anton Juntunen and modeled by Andy Dawson.

41 542

Hope you're into Vvardenfell cuisine, because I yam 🍠
3D render of the ash yam, by Alexandra Boshevska

34 482

An aedra's blood makes for great armor: check out the unique ebony mail, by Alexandra Boshevska.

78 792

We've given you a glimpse of Vivec, now here's one final gift from us: the first-ever glimpse of Vivec (by ). Happy Holidays from the Skywind team!

96 664

Buckle up: battered iron buckler concept, by

15 315

If you wander and search long enough, you may find the legendary Dragonbone Cuirass, enchanted by the first Imperial Battlemage, Zurin Arctus himself!

Concept by Wugrash

40 472

Outlanders wanted!

55 223