

TFNation: Europe's largest Transformers fan convention. Next Event: TFN: Mini-Con Manchester, 22nd March 2025

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Loving all your questions! Now I get to ask one!

What are you most looking forward to at TFN 2019?

- Genny

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Hey gang! I've taken over TFN's twitter for the night!
Let's chat!
- Genny

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Suit up, for the Wing AT -
In celebration of the 40th anniversary of one of earth's most popular franchises, we are thrilled to introduce The at TFNation with help from our friends at GundamMad and #

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This is the TFNation: The Gathering postcards which were / are being given out today in London.

They have a special gift on the back as a thank you for coming.

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You may be wondering why you haven't heard much from Genny lately, especially as we get closer to 2018. Unfortunately over the last year she’s got into the Synthetic and, well.... she's kinda refusing to do any real work.

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If you have not already ordered your merchandise then please do so soon as pre-orders will close at midnight (BST) on Tuesday 24th July!
A limited selection will be available at the show but this is your best chance to secure the right size

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If you are having trouble whilst ordering merchandise from the website please read the following tweets within this thread

Pre-Orders close next week so if you have not ordered yet please do so by visiting

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The Time Terror Cover Revealed! -

Art by , colours by

Preorders close next week, to ensure you have a copy preorder today for £6 at

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Stan Bush Posters - From £10

You're a winner. So let the rest of the world know that when things get too tough, you got the touch. A touch of style that is featuring art by these posters are available in glossy A3 (£10), A2 (£15) or A1 (£25) sizes.

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Bzzzppptttt ... Initializing wake sequence...

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