Samano/NinjacopEx Dat Anime Gamer Dude/ Ninja Broさんのプロフィール画像

Samano/NinjacopEx Dat Anime Gamer Dude/ Ninja Broさんのイラストまとめ

I'm An aspiring Anime Styled Cartoonist who plans to create a Breakthrough Science Fantasy Series and thensome.

//Married// //Don't Bother Ladies//

フォロー数:6946 フォロワー数:543

Yep, Ninjacop Eagle Before becoming Ninjacop Eagle, He was an effective Ninja Paladin but the training was lacking so he found Rinda (Linda) Satou to train him after discovering that she is Subaru's Blood Mother and a Remnant Ninjacop of the fallen "Untouchable" Organization.

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Sexy Grandma Here, She is a Warmage who is capable of cultivating spells new and revised.

She is possibly my most Scientific Magician or ArchMage I can think of, I have others tho I don't draft them all the time.

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Repex the Folks with the Original Concept, Fair Disclaimer unless you know I can Redraw Concept.

Meaning I respect the folks take Design Concepts from or Whom.

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Even though the Art-style is dated, I got it finished.

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Sam Hicks, Ninjacop.

I run TFSU-Samano in deviantart and some others I set to make a mark in the artistic world.

Nice to meetcha.

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