crazy ass moments in Transformers history🏳️‍🌈さんのプロフィール画像

crazy ass moments in Transformers history🏳️‍🌈さんのイラストまとめ

run by @battleupsaber | almost all info comes from the Transformers wiki

フォロー数:444 フォロワー数:50229

In RID 2001, Side Burn has an obsession with red sports cars...which makes his powered-up form being red very questionable....(2001)

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they go unnamed in RID, but in Car Robots his 3 configurations are 'Hurricane Mode", "Typhoon Mode" and "Cyclone Mode".

Hurricane is the default one, while the other two were only used sparingly.

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Clear Out, an Autobot who appears in the Wings Universe comic, is designed to resemble the Red Dragon Thunderzord from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. (2010)

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Circuit Breaker builds a giant robot suit out of all the bodies of the defeated Autobots she had collected. (1986)

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Stranglehold fantasises about getting bitches. (1991)

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Hi-Q, Optimus' Powermaster partner, evolves and is reborn as the new Action Master Optimus Prime, the two now merged into one. (1991)

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the Neo-Knights, a human superhero team introduced in the Marvel TF comic, were meant to have their own series set in the main Marvel Universe.

Simon Furman believed at the time that the Transformers franchise was at its end, and wanted to switch to superhero comics. (1991)

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artists Art Marcum and Matt Holloway pitched a WW2-era TF movie spinoff called Operation Skyfire, and drew lots of concept art for it.

The plot involves Skyfire teaming up with soldiers to deal with Nazi Pretenders trying to un-freeze Megatron during the Pacific War. (2014-2016)

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Cybertron in depicted in Marvel comic as a hellish nightmare where citizens struggle to survive. Bob Budiansky drew inspiration from the post-apocalyptic wastelands shown in The Terminator, with his description of the planet in the script stating "Think of hell". (1985)

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Where Slipstream got her colours from was debated within the fandom, with the most frequent guess being G2 Ramjet. However, when contacted about it, Derrick J. Wyatt revealed that her colour scheme was actually "loosely inspired" by the Godmaster Overlord. (2008)

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