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out of all the Transformers abducted by Unicron in the Universe comic, Trailbreaker is the only one not rebuilt into a new body. This is because there was originally meant to be a new Universe toy of Trailbreaker that was never made, but he was already scripted to appear. (2003)
Technically, Waspinator's beast mode is that of a female wasp, given that males do not possess a stinger.
Likewise, Inferno's beast mode is also female, as male ants are winged drones, which Inferno, due to his lack of wings, clearly is not. (1996)
Beast Wars' story editors had conflicting ideas on who the Vok were. Bob Forward imagined the Vok as the evolutionary endpoint of all sentient life in the universe. Larry DiTillio wanted to link the Vok to the Swarm from the G2 comic. Neither origin made it into the show.(1996-9)
G1 Shockwave's cartoon and comic characterizations are complete opposites, one being loyal and subservient, the other a power-hungry rival. This disparity was a result of lack of time during the franchise's production to get all the story basics established from the outset.(1984)
Furman got around this by creating the Heart of Darkness to take the Matrix's role in his story.
Simon Furman's original intent for IDW Optimus was that he did not carry the Matrix of Leadership, as Nova Prime was to have taken it to the Dead Universe and corrupted it.
But then Shane McCarthy included the Matrix in Prime's chest in All Hail Megatron. Oops. (2009)
a fill-in issue of the Marvel UK comic adapts nearly beat-for-beat parts of the cartoon episode "More Than Meets The Eye Pt 2". (albeit recontextualised to fit the comic's continuity) (1985)
Starscream fires his null-ray from his finger. (1985)
the G1 episode "The God Gambit" uncharacteristically depicts Astrotrain as having authority over the other Decepticons, likely due to his role originally being written for Megatron before being changed. (1985)