

A grieving husband, thanking God I'm still a dad dad and dog dad. Meganerd, formerly tweeting mostly about miniature painting, books, crafting, tabletop gaming.

フォロー数:1715 フォロワー数:1992

I should state that the first two pics are an early stage WIP of a 3D build I'm doing, recreating the amazing 2D art of Julia Metzger. Derivative work made with permission of the artist.

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Any Pumpkins fans out there?

More practice with ProCreate on my iPad.

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This is so wonderful! I'm jealous of his AI-fu though, I'm struggling to get DallE to understand the concept of a beholder.

Here are the windows in the temple of St. Selthdrych, our Lady of Unholy Abominations. 😂

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Deep in the dark woods of "Dee Em Boordon Lyne" of course! 😂 I'm always saving random art that I happen across online that inspires me, and then building that into my games. Keeps the players on their toes!

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DALLE is struggling with the concept of a beholder, a round floating cyclopean eye monster, etc. but goddamn, these are still amazing abominations.

Welcome to the temple of the divine terror!

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My god, these are amazing. 😍

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In which Kaz the Kobold Indiana Joneses a magic wand out of a scary Vishnu-esque gorrila's hand & gives it to his slightly less scary goth elephant bff.

How, at level 5, my slightly mad Loxodon Shadow Sorcerer has now acquired a Rod of Wonder.

The time of chaos has begunn! 😈

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13. Zaratan
14. Genie (any element - Dao, Djinni, Efreeti, Marid, etc)
15. Salamander (frost or fire, or get creative)
16. Gargoyle

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