Official Twitter account for The Princess Daisy Encyclopedia.

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The roster of “Mario Hoops 3-on-3”.

148 880

Happy Black Friday everyone, if you’re going out, make sure you take a cheery attitude, two Toads, and your pointing finger, just like Daisy!

19 86

Pauline - Roasted Vegetables
There’s just something electric about vegetables after being fried and salted, just like how Pauline began as a very stale character but became much more vibrant after ‘Odyssey’!

2 8

Birdo - Deviled Eggs
Deviled eggs are basically the most fabulous an egg can look. I kinda feel like clapping whenever I see them because wow, what a glow up. They radiate an intense amount of Birdo energy.

2 8

Mario - The Turkey
Of course. When you hear the word ‘thanksgiving’, turkey is the first food you think of, no matter whether you love it, hate it, or are perfectly neutral. When you think of ‘Mario’, the first character you think of is Mario, no matter how you feel about him.

2 15

Characters that Daisy has never met but would get along perfectly with

7 44

I totally agree, she seems so happy in the jumping artwork! https://t.co/LqHCxCJbv3

14 48