Lvl. 36 Big Fan of X-Men, Mega Man X, BioShock, Resident Evil, Fallout, and Dino Crisis. 🦖

Alternate: The-Corner.bsky.social

フォロー数:399 フォロワー数:1200

Would be awesome if X-Men Evolution Jean Grey could somehow make an appearance in the current X-Men comics.

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I'm really like the idea of Leon and Jill teaming up would also like for it to be Co-Op like RE5.I think the dialogue would be interesting between them.

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Claire Redfield needs a bigger role in future RE games. I see Resident Evil similar to G.I. Joe and would love to see Claire lead her own team into a new Bio Nest. bringing it down after she recruits Leon by force. 😉

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Would love to see a new version of Ada escaping Raccoon City in RE2/Biohazard 2 Remake as a DLC story add-on.

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