

Artist ✨ Writer 📒 Making a webcomic called Black Magic and pining for the fjords. she/they/he

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20 minute pet portrait I painted over the shoulder of a wine & paint customer today because I just couldn't resist all this wrinkly sub-surface scattering glory ✨

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been too stressed to worry about twitter lately so here's this gif of Paz again because it makes me happy. 🔥

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Quick character silhouette practice with by Terry Pratchett. I sketched these on a Twitch stream the other day and I'll finish them some other day. ✌️ GNU

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New wallpaper art on (link in bio)! These are still a goofy style experiment but it’s been so fun. Sorry the red is a bit eye-searing. It’s a good pain. *bleeding eyes emoji*

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did a random Twitch stream tonight to test OBS on the new OS and catch up on some rewards. 🔥

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Work In Progress shot for page 9. Yeah, I said page 9! Two new pages coming soon! 🙌

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Just a couple of sorcerers traveling West and watching a storm on the horizon. 😊

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I don't really have an excuse for this. I never thought it was a good idea but it happened anyway. 🤣

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