

Its ya boy Thomas just a giant goofball /Gamer / Future Pirate King here to say whats up and hope ya like my streams!

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Ya boi is back!!!!! Hope everyones new year went well ill be back continuing the recoded movie and possibly starting dream drop come on through and enjoy the vibes!!

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Gonna be wrapping up birth by sleep tonight and watching recoded so grab ya snacks and come enjoy the show!

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Mentally prepared to throw the hands tonight and continue the journey come tune in!

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Your the hero figure it out - demyx

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Going to be finishing the days movie and starting kingdom Hearts 2 final mix tonight come tune in!

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Happy thanksgiving everyone 🦃🍽🍁

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Finally beat Sora’s story in chain of memories starting Riku’s story tonight come tune in!

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U already know ya boi continuing some more kingdom hearts tonight come vibe out tonight

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