Terrain of Magical Expertise - *AVAILABLE NOW*さんのプロフィール画像

Terrain of Magical Expertise - *AVAILABLE NOW*さんのイラストまとめ

Terrain of Magical Expertise ("TOME" for short) is a 2D Turn-Based RPG Adventure like NO other! It's a game...about a game!
- Published by @FulqrumPub

フォロー数:119 フォロワー数:3378

Gamesoft's take on this look is definitely one of the scarier costumes, but nothin' wrong with spooking some trick-or-treaters out!

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Alpha still looks adorable in baggy clothes, but he also chose some particular parts to replace with mechanical limbs!

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As expected, Nylocke leans heavily into the armored portion of Kirb's style, but they do share a love of adventure-worn cloth to drape themselves in!

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Next, the gang tried emulating Kirbopher's cyborg-rogue theme mish-mash! Flamey's rockin' a bit of an assassin look here, with a few robotic enhancements.

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Gamesoft, meanwhile, looks like a ghostly goddess in her costume! The golden rings and wreaths make her look stylish! But, what other ideas do our heroes have...?

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Kirbopher tries his hand at the Greek armor as well, but let's face it, he's about as intimidating as a Kappa while wearing that doofy helmet and cape.

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Nylocke's Alpha-style costume would of course adapt the powerful armor of the ancient Greeks. There's "Nu" messing around with THIS knight!

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It's T-Bones & Grounda! This duo of dinosaurs can split the earth, uplift fossils and cause volcanic eruptions with the synchronized stomps of their feet...and they're about as opposite as opposites can get! But, where do their allegiances lie...

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First, our heroes tried dressing up in the style of Alpha! Halloween parties can totally double as toga parties! Flamegirl's symbol of Σ stands for Stephanie, of course.

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That completes our massive collection of character profiles from the TOME RPG universe! Starting tomorrow throughout the full month of September, we'll be showcasing the special techniques of the Dandy Alliance!

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