

fuck you

フォロー数:1593 フォロワー数:284

HI MY NAME IS UNI (OR JANE)!! i'm a haitian artist!! i don't really have a set fandom but here are some of my favorite pieces of art!!

14 15

if some niggas in yo mentions qrting you and they have these pfps or something similar to them… run.

4 15

i just noticed that fake twilight’s horn is longer than the actual twilight

5 821

How does your art style just become this

15 116

skin shading test. rts appreciated

8 10

who nEEDS their THEYJACK THUSSY ATE OMG ME the children: sybil: Cambodia:

2 4

naruto butt ass naked: "um... what's going on here? what's genshin?"

3 5