Team Rocket Cheer Squadさんのプロフィール画像

Team Rocket Cheer Squadさんのイラストまとめ

Cheering on Team Rocket until they get their white tomorrow.

フォロー数:4 フォロワー数:1876

1000 Episode Countdown

DP - Musashi’s Contest arc took a positive turn as she was finally treated as a real Coordinator. She won her first Contest and made it to Top 4 in the GF!

Her relationship with Kojiro and Nyasu was repaired, and the three felt like a real team again. ❤️

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Today in Rocket History: December 26, 2002, AG006: "Rocket-dan! A Fury Swipes Goodbye!!” aired in Japan.

20 years ago today, Musashi and Kojiro released their original mons so they could watch over their pre-evolutions. 😭

On a happier note, Kojiro caught Sabonea.

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Today in Rocket History: December 22, 2005, AG157: "Haruka Travels Through Time!!” aired in Japan.

Happy that he helped Haruka positively change history, Nyasu decides to pass on trying to capture Pikachu for the day.

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The episode was also a reference to the real life radio show they did in BW, and finally gave Rockets something they’re good at that they could do besides go after Pikachu.

Could this come back once again next year? Let’s hope so! It would be a great way to write Rockets out.

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Today in Rocket History: December 18, 2008, DP107: "Rampald VS Torideps!!” aired in Japan.

Tougan compliments Rockets' digging skills, and thinks there’s no way they could be bad guys. What a nice man!

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Today in Rocket History: December 15, 2005, AG156: "Usohachi and the Ninja School!!” aired in Japan.

Musashi tells the story of being a Beautiful Ninja Girl. Which I’m sure is totally true and isn’t made up at all!

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Today in Rocket History: December 7, 2006, DP011: "Hikari! Contest Debut!!” aired in Japan.

It’s the debut of Musashi’s Sinnoh Contest disguise, Candy Musalina! The Rocket mon use up all the capsule seals, which gives Kojiro the idea of selling fake ones. It does not end well.

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Today in Rocket History: December 5, 2002, AG003: "Touka Gym! VS Yarukimono!” aired in Japan.

The TRio think they’ve stolen Pikachu, but they really took Haruka’s Achamo! It doesn’t seem to like Kojiro very much…

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Today in Rocket History: November 21, 2002, AG001: "A New Land! A New Adventure!!” aired in Japan.

Arriving in Houen (again?), Musashi begins to doubt their mission. However after being zapped by Pikachu, Musashi realizes they are on the right path!

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