

✨🔭⛩️Apes Together Strong 🦍🦧🐒 #TSAS

フォロー数:144 フォロワー数:218
# tsas

🔥🔥4th - Burn Alert 🔥🔥

Ape shall not be burned along with a Serum to produce a mutant ape from, only a few days left if you want a mutant get on it!

Collectors rejoice & thank delegators to The Space Ape Society validator for making the collection deflationary.

5 9

🔥🔥3rd - Burn Alert 🔥🔥

Ape will not have the honor of being burned along with a Serum to produce a mutant ape from , instead the ultimate selfless sacrifice.

Delegators to The Space Ape Society✨🔭🦍validator thinned the shrewdness by 1 more ⚱

5 20