

Human | Shit at Games | Someone who can draw a bit | German guy | Pain | Status of this Account: On/Off | Trying and having fun with ZUN-style | OC Art 95%

フォロー数:58 フォロワー数:50

Been a few days! Just wanted to throw this pic here for everybody that cares about my characters or my drawings in general. Cheers!

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Oh yeah, almost forgot. I made these in 's latest stream where we had Bob Ross running in the background and tried to follow his directions. Emphasis on "tried". Personally not so fond of my snowy one though. Also trees are hard af to do.

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So I guess it's this time of the year again.

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Interested and also scared to see what you might do with these two (or one of them), if you pick them that is. (L: Seraph R: Lunaa)

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Made Walfas-styled drawings of original characters from 's "Dream Rebellion" Touhou mod for the hell of it.

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ZUN-style is really fun, tho with this shading I still suck quite a bit. Pretty proud of this characterdesign, gotta say. Maybe a bit overkill but not too much imo. What do you think?

1 6

Wow bin grade nachhause gekommen und wurde direkt angebrüllt ohne erdenklichen grund.I mean ein normales hallo wie war dein tag hätgereicht

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Ich hasse dich...
Du hast ne Marisa Statue...
Sag mir...
Gab's wenigstens auch Sakuya?

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