

Thailand Artist : Illustrator, Wood Carving, Automata

フォロー数:5448 フォロワー数:7181

Gm. Do you found the wolf in your mind?

8 25

🚨👧 New Guest 🐺🚨
Red Ridding Hood 's room
She saw some shadow, who's shadow
price : 0.012 ETH polygon

73 77

Gm. Do you need some bakery?

3 9


2 10

I want Ceil weapons from tsukihime.
The sword that we can bring only hilt and create blade from Bible paper. Another one is scriptural canon and pile bunker that create from lump of iron and Bible paper. Both weapon can change immortal enemy to dead and cremation.

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Gn, Wishing the star to bring you a smile

1 1