

I post some of my art stuff here and retweet stuff I like ofc☺️tumblr: adayka.tumblr.com dA: deviantart.com/adayka ko-fi.com/adayka

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Lilalartis the cheesy stuff xD

12 72

I‘m looking forward for seeing all the aod stuff from you (especially lartis ☺️✨ö,ö) (so last for today haha)

34 118

I will post a lot aod and lartis stuff this month, for all those who don’t like lartis, stay strong my friends during aod month😅 and stay kind to each other, like or dislike,how boring the world would be, if everyone would have the same oppinion and liking the same things?#TR25

25 70

Aod month^^ so i can spam you with all my aod stuff i made once.. also with new stuff😹…yay..😹✨

35 136

Aww I'm going to prepare the draw now hehe I have to write a lot of names 🙈

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Made some nonsense with the last El Hawa drawing 😬🙈 (sry for the poor video quality 😬 twitter✌️)

Music: Tomb Raider The Dark Angel Symphony / Beyond the Darkness (feat )

Tomb Raider The Dark Angel Symphony by

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