Tai @ stop the genocideさんのプロフィール画像

Tai @ stop the genocideさんのイラストまとめ

Tai | 27 | lesbian | transfem | she(they) | autistic | yumejoshi | aspiring webcomics author/artist | i post whatever i want | 💖 engaged to @catbreon 💖

フォロー数:990 フォロワー数:177

here's what i don't understand: how this number got this big

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the "tai and nikki go to video games" collection, all drawn by the amazing

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ironic that the depresed thot is named hapi

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14. Favorite Professor
bro... i aint gonna lie. this man personally tells off the evil team members that harass him. professor rowan is a badass. professor rowan could suplex kukui and kukui would like it.

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12. Favorite Trainer
i'm a Red shill. he's a legend. nuff said. i can't find a gif of pokespe red though for obvious reasons so have origins red

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8. Favorite Mega
it's not scizor, and it's not blaziken. mega scizor doesn't even change that much, and i'm not a huge fan of Longer Chicken's look tbh. no, i like Bigger Dick Bee, for making beedrill (my favorite early game bug) actually good and usable ffs. also it looks rad af

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7. Favorite Mythical
genesect. full disclosure: i would fuck genesect. i am genesexual
no but seriously it's basically scizor but with a gun. what's not to love

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